梅威瑟VS帕奎奥PPV:4亿美金 周六的梅威瑟VS帕奎奥之战打破了PPV历史记录,在SHO和HBO的转播估计达到4亿美金,据有线电视网报道,根据截止期限,有300万户购买了梅帕之战的PPV。 梅帕之战推迟了45分钟才开打,就是因为PPV的疯狂需求,由于数量太多,客户对中断纷纷抱怨。 12回合比赛,梅威瑟和帕奎奥两人每秒进账超过15万美元。 The Mayweather-Pacquiao fight broke pay-per-view records on Saturday with an estimated $400 million haul for HBO and Showtime. The cable networks are reporting 3 million individual PPV buys, according to Deadline. The fight got delayed by 45 minutes due to overwhelming demand on PPV. It was so great that customers complained all night of outages. The networks filed a last minute injection against piracy, but that did not stop people from streaming the fight via Periscope and Meerkat. It didn’t matter as HBO and Showtime cashed in big time. Basing on just the 12 rounds of boxing, Mayweather and Pacquiao split more than $150,000 per second. http://www.rickey.org/mayweather-pacquiao-pay-per-view-haul-400-million/280508/ 声明:主贴内容来自百度翻译+马里奥的连蒙带猜,兴趣使然翻译外网新闻,未用作商业用途,不附加任何目的和条件。英(山)语(寨)水平有限,无故意歪曲原文意思,如有疑问自行浏览英文原文,请有吹毛求疵癖好喜欢指点江山人士口下留情。