本帖最后由 超级马里奥 于 2015-4-21 11:48 编辑
梅威瑟相信他比阿里、苏格雷罗宾逊更优秀 没有人是无可超越的。 接受ESPN史蒂芬史密斯采访时梅威瑟说:“没有人能给我洗脑,让我相信苏格雷罗宾逊和穆罕默德阿里是比我更伟大的拳手。但我要做的事情是:我要向前辈们脱帽致敬表达我的尊重,因为是他们为我铺平了道路,使我能够取得今天的成就。” 我的见解:过去人们一直谈论梅威瑟是否已经超越阿里、雷罗宾逊的人,过分谦虚就是骄傲,即使梅威瑟无法超越阿里、雷罗宾逊,但人们总是将梅威瑟跟阿里、雷罗宾逊联系在一起,本身就是对梅威瑟莫大的肯定。 Floyd Mayweather Believes He’s Better Than Muhammad Ali, Sugar RayNo athlete is untouchable.
Someone will always try to argue that LeBron James is better than Kobe Bryant, Kobe is greater than Michael Jordan or MJ is greater than Bill Russell. Each angle has valid arguments in its defense.
But Muhammad Ali? As far as boxing lore is concerned, he’s the greatest of all time. Even Floyd Mayweather’s strongest supporters might concede that debate.
Just don’t ask Mayweather himself.
In an all-access interview with ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith, the 47-0 fighter set the record straight.
“No one can ever brainwash me to make me believe that Sugar Ray Robinson and Muhammad Ali was better than me. No one could ever brainwash me and tell me that,” Mayweather told ESPN. “But one thing I will do — I’m going to take my hat off to them and respect those guys because those are the guys that paved the way for me to be where I’m at today.” Mayweather further defends his stance by pointing out that Ali lost to Leon Spinks, who only had seven fights under his belt at the time, and that Ali’s victory over George Foreman was — in Mayweather’s opinion — bush-league. As with any “all-time” debate, Mayweather’s argument has holes in it. Nonetheless, you have to admire his confidence. http://nesn.com/2015/04/floyd-mayweather-believes-hes-better-than-muhammad-ali-sugar-ray/? 声明:主贴内容来自百度翻译+马里奥的连蒙带猜,兴趣使然翻译外网新闻,未用作商业用途,不附加任何目的和条件。英(山)语(寨)水平有限,无故意歪曲原文意思,如有疑问自行浏览英文原文,请有吹毛求疵癖好喜欢指点江山人士口下留情。