
分享 Once a Year Mothers’ Day
leonard 2012-5-14 00:14
Every year Mothers’ Day comes, and many, maybe, most young people ( children ) enjoy, or even celebrate it with their mothers together with happiness and thanks to their beloved mothers. However, I am not one of those lucky one among them, becau ...
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分享 本人在广州建了个拳击群,231702473
金牌世家 2012-4-30 16:37
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分享 The Answer to an Old Question
leonard 2012-3-14 14:39
Long time no write, and I feel rusty. S tretching my legs and arms, I try to be back to active. On the net I happened to see someone ask the old question this morning, “What is happiness?” This is a question which is too old or normal or complex to give a ...
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分享 The Story of a Smart Boy
leonard 2012-3-14 14:32
The other day I had a dinner by an old neighbor, in which she invited my family to show her thanks to me to have helped her son to learn English. Her son used to be a short round boy with a round head with soft thin brown hair, around red face, a small round nose, a ...
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分享 翻译官水平排名的思考
81008783 2012-2-3 10:06
“翻译官很多,不上榜的不代表水平差 只排一排乐逍遥翻译官评判过的几个翻译官,比如96兄,一打一搂抱,航母站长几位 按照乐逍遥的评判 乐逍遥排名第一 96第二,有心无力之说算是评判的比较高了 一打一搂抱第三,评判之词帝国很容易所搜到 航母站长第四,一篇译文就漏洞百出那还翻一个啥? 以此看来,版主兼大管 ...
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分享 少林少林
2OO个の玫瑰 2012-1-10 09:31
南少林北少林 南北两立吗? 不打不死相识!
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分享 少林少林
2OO个の玫瑰 2012-1-10 09:30
南少林北少林 南北两立吗? 不打不死相识!
199 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 今日,尽逞口舌之能是!
81008783 2012-1-8 19:15
不过还好感觉比较充实 不采取以德服人的方式 因为还不具备那种内涵 今天令人惋惜的是被删除的帖子没记载下来 没那激情似乎就想不到那些话了,哎 以后痛快之后看来还得及时备份
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分享 以后,思绪来潮,写日志
81008783 2012-1-7 16:03
今日突发感慨!忽然觉得琼斯无愧无数拳迷的最爱 他和杜兰、伦纳德一样,不计荣辱,耗尽能力,他们留在了拳迷的心里 而每当拳迷们想到他们,都会真心的向他们祝福 真心的希望这些曾经为我们奉献精彩的老拳王们身心安康 拳坛邪风日上,梅某兴波作浪 猖狂狡猾异常,牛逼欲吞万 ...
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分享 120106
爱拳之钱 2012-1-6 17:32
今天的时光过的如平常同样的快 因为这是个非同一般的日子,我的心里有无限的有言啊 哈哈, 一切在我的不言中哦
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