本帖最后由 D.T. 于 2013-10-7 13:57 编辑
In boxing, a check hook is employed to prevent aggressive boxers from lunging in. There are two parts to the check hook. The first part consists of a regular hook. The second, trickier part involves thefootwork. As the opponent lunges in, the boxer should throw the hook and pivot on his left foot andswing his right foot 180 degrees around. If executed correctly, the aggressive boxer will lunge in and sail harmlessly past his opponent like a bull missing a matador. This is rarely seen in professional boxing as it requires a great disparity in skill level to execute. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. demonstrated a picture perfect example of this punch against Ricky Hatton in their 2007 encounter. Ricky Hatton was caught with the check hook as he was lunging in; Hatton continued forward as he was knocked off balance and proceeded to ram his head into the ring post as Floyd Mayweather stepped out of harm's way. When interviewed, Mayweather stated that he was taught the check hook in the Michigan amateurs.
在拳击中,check hook通常被用来阻击那些侵略性拳手的突进。check hook由两部分组成,第一部分是一个常规的勾拳;第二部分,涉及到一个巧妙的步法技巧,当对手突进时,拳手应当在击出勾拳的同时以自己的左脚为轴,右脚(向后)旋转180度。如果运用正确的话,那么对手的突进就会像公牛的前冲被斗牛士躲闪那样不能对你造成任何伤害。这种拳法在职业拳击中很少见,因为除非拳手双方技巧相差悬殊,否则很难施展成功。弗洛伊德.梅威瑟在2007年对抗里奇.哈顿时的就向我们展示了一记完美的check hook。里奇.哈顿在突入时被梅威瑟的check hook击中,由于失去平衡,哈顿继续前冲撞向拳角,而梅威瑟则侧身躲开了哈顿的突进路线。在采访时,梅威瑟透露当他还是个密西根业余拳手时,就曾被教授过check hook的技巧。
译者按:文字说明中的check hook是以传统右势拳手为例,而图片中的check hook拳手(拳手B)则是以左势拳手为例。需要注意的是check hook永远指的是前手勾拳,作为旋转轴的脚也永远是前支撑脚。